Battisford/Combs Tannery (New Course) 10 Miles (Unregistered)
START and parking at Free Church, Battisford (results and refreshments @Battisford Punch Bowl PH) (race HQ). Take first left after turn to Ringshall, signed Moats Tye/Combs and proceed towards Stowmarket. Turn left at ‘T’ junction (with care). Proceed towards Battisford. Pass the Start and retrace course to finish 1/4 mile short of START adjacent field hard standing prior to Battisford 30mph limit inline with footpath sign.
Click HERE for a map of the course. You can download a .gpx
Course record Male – 28th June 2022 Ross Fawcett Orwell Velo 00:20:59
Female – 27th June 2023 Laura Davies Jadan Vive Le Velo Glasdon 00:23:08
Crowfield Circuit (CTT Course No. B10/32) – 10 miles
START at southernmost white post at entrance to water tower at Crowfield going towards Hemingstone. Take second left (1.8 miles), WITH CARE onto Gosbeck road and continue north through Gosbeck to junction with B1077, where bear left past Framsden Windmill to junction with A1120. Turn left and continue to Pettaugh, where turn left onto Crowfield road continue to FINISH approx. 100 yds past Rose PH, in line with yellow hydrant on opposite side of road at entrance to New Hall. (Signing-on & parking at Gosbeck Village Hall)
Best way to cycle to the start is to Turn Right out of hall car park and then immediately left, follow the back road to turn right towards Crowfield to start directly below water tower. No warming up on the course direction once the event has started
Course record: Male – Ross Fawcett (Pedal Power RT) 21:04 (2nd Jun 2018)
Female – Becky Ridge (Loose Cannon’s Conditioning) 23:51 (27th May 2023)
Henley Circuit two laps of 5 mile course (Revised 10 miles)
Revised measured 10 mile course now starts at end of Clay Lane approx 1 mile north of Henley Cross Keys,
at the junction of Ashbocking Rd. Proceed to junction with B1078. Turn Sharp left towards Hemmingstone. At Hemingstone, turn left onto un-numbered road signed “Henley 2”. Proceed south through to Henley .Turn left at Five-ways cross-roads. Proceed past Henley School. End of lap one at the top of the hill (Henley Square). Complete another circuit as above and finish at top of the hill adjacent to farm gateway on L/H side of the road. Parking and signing on is at Henley Community Centre. Please park on the left as soon as you enter the car park and avoid parking near to the community centre entrance. Please take extra care at the Hemingstone junction when after a downhill section you make a Left Turn over a narrow bridge and may encounter oncoming traffic. After finishing please do not stop but continue to the start and return to HQ via Clay Lane
Course Record Male – Andy Proffitt (IBC) 21:42 14th Jul 2020
Female – Claire Weller (Ipswich Tri Club) 24:19 21st Jul 2020
Henley Circuit 1 lap of 5 mile course – 5 miles
As above but the finish is at the middle telegraph pole between the last house in Henley Square and the start. About 1km after the 10 mile finish.
Course Record Male – Ross Fawcett (Orwell Velo) 10:53 30/3/21
Female – Laura Davies (Jadan Vive Le Velo Glasdon) 12:14 02/04/2024
Copdock-Chattisham-Raydon-Wenham Course – 10 miles (unregistered)
The start is on Chattisham Road approximately 220m from the junction of Hollow Road and Saxon Lane. Proceed towards Chattisham village and turn left at the T-junction onto The Street. Follow the road for approximately 1 mile then turn left into the junction which is signposted to Raydon. Remain on this road until the junction with the B1070. Join the B1070 by proceeding straight ahead. After 0.7 miles turn left onto the airfield road signposted to Gt Wenham and Capel St Mary. Continue on this road until the finish approaching Copdock around 150m before the junction with Saxon Lane to the left.
Headquarters will be at Copdock Village Hall which is on London Road and has parking available. To get from the headquarters to the start turn right along London Road (note: this is a dual-carriageway so it will be necessary to use a crossing point over the central reservation) then turn left into Elm Lane. Take the first left into Wenham Road then first right along Saxon Lane to the junction at the end and then turn left onto Hollow Road/Chattisham Road. From the headquarters to the start is approximately 1.2 miles. To return to the headquarters after the finish turn right at the T-junction onto Elm Lane. At the next T-junction turn right onto London Road (note: dual-carriageway) and the village hall is on the lefthand side.
Risk assesment and course map -> Wolsey Road Club 10TT Risk Assessment-May 14 2021
There is a short video showing the route available here
Course Records
Male – James Potter (Loose Cannon’s Conditioning) 21:37 12th Jul 2022
Female – Laura Davies Jadan Vive Le Velo Glasdon 00:23:32 11th Jul 2023
Tattingstone-Stutton-Holbrook-Freston course
START on White Horse Hill, Tattingstone at end of bus stop. Proceed along White Horse Hill in the direction of A137 for 0.7 miles. TURN LEFT onto A137 in the forward direction of Tattingstone. Proceed along A137 towards Tattingstone and TURN LEFT onto Stutton Lane (3.2 miles). Continue along Stutton Lane, which turns into Bentley Lane. At the T-Junction (4.9 miles) TURN LEFT onto B1080 (Manningtree Road) towards Holbrook. Continue along B1080 until the junction with the B1456 (8.7 miles). TURN LEFT onto the B1456 towards Freston. Continue on B1456 and finish approx. centre of the unmade layby on the right immediately after passing under the Orwell Bridge (10 miles). Numbers and parking on Bourne Hill.
GPX route available HERE
Revised 2022 course records
Male – James Potter (Loose Cannon’s Conditioning) 00:21:35 17th May 2022
Female – Becky Ridge (TPH) 00:23:06 31st May 2022
2021 course records
Male – Matt Jacobs (Loose Cannon’s Conditioning) 00:21:29 1st Jun 2021
Female – Clare Weller (Triharder) 00:23:26 1st Jun 2021
Woolverstone-Shotley-Woolverstone 10 miles
START on B1456 at entrance to Ipswich School (Nelson’s Avenue) in Woolverstone village. Proceed East for 8.1 km to new roundabout in Shotley. Retrace route back to Woolverstone to finish just past Nursery Lane. Parking is at Woolverstone village hall (Berners Hall). Beware of parked cars in Chelmodiston and Shotley Village.
GPX route available here
Course Records
Male – Samuel Mcclean (Windy Ridge TT) 00:2207 28th May 2024
Female – Laura Davies (Jadan Vive le Velo Glasdon) 00:22:44 28th May 2024
Plomesgate courses
10 mile route (B10/9)

Course Records
Male – Lloyd Chapman (Loose Cannon’s Conditioning) 00:20:13
Female – Laura Davies (Jadan Vive Le Velo Glasdon) 00:22:49 8th Aug 2024
5 mile route (a short version of the 10 mile route)