
Results 2024
Round 1 – Here we go again! Warmish, dry and breezy, decent start to the season. What a ride from Laura and course record 🙂
Round 2 – Brutally windy but stayed dry. Chapeau to everyone who rode tonight
Round 3 – Brrrr. Windy but not actually as much of a head wind as expected. Dry and flippin cold. Short course due to road works.
Round 4 – Who would have thought it would be colder than last week! Great numbers on a cold and windy night
Round 5 – So much nicer! Warm and dry and not windy! Until we finished, then it rained. Great numbers tonight
Round 6 – Warm and dry again and a nagging northerly. Great to see good numbers again 🙂
Round 7 – Well that was damp! Lovely new course from Woolverstone to Shotley will be lovely in the sun!
Round 8 – CANCELLED. Hammering it down!
Round 9 – Miserable all day and then turns out nice and dry for a change 🙂 New course records as well 🙂
Round 10 – Surprisingly dry! Not summery, but dry…and windy.
Round 11 – Not summer. Cold, dark and not fast. At least it was dry but where is summer?
Round 12 – Is this summer? Much nicer night, not perfect but nice
Round 13 – Properly hot! Bit of a breeze on the straight slowed it down but hot for a change
Round 14 – NOT HOT! We missed the rain and not a lot of wind but flip where has summer gone?
Round 15 – Windy but at least it was warm and dry. An excellent and fun 3 lapper
Round 16 – Rain held off but not the most glorious of summer evenings! Breezy

Results 2023

2023 Overall League
2023 Ladies League
2023 Roadie League
2023 Senior Male League
2023 Veteran Male League
2023 Junior/Juvenile League

Round 1 – Cold, dark, wet, windy, is it really March? Watch out for stray ladders 🙂
Round 2 – Bright and sunny but still cold. Great numbers this week. Good to see some newcomers
Round 3 – Good grief!, Flippin windy, cold, dark and a little damp. Watch out for ducks this week!
Round 4 – Cold and windy and the wind was in the wrong direction!.
Round 5 – Shortened course due to road works. Flippin cold!
Round 6 – Last round at Crowfield and still flippin cold! Back to full course but easterly wind made it slow
Round 7 – CANCELLED due to RTA on Orwell Bridge causing heavy traffic. Terrific storm at 7pm!
Round 8 – Makes a change! A pleasant evening but still a nagging wind and a coolness about it.
Round 9 – Much brighter night but still that nagging North West wind.
Round 10 – Absolutely horrific North Easterly! 70% head wind and cold, did I say windy? Summer?
Round 11 – At least a North Easterly is the right direction for the Battisford course. Still feckin cold!
Round 12 – CANCELLED due to phantom road works! And it was feckin windy again!
Round 13 – Beautiful warm evening but please get rid of this damn wind
Round 14 – Cloudy but warm and less wind at last! Awesome course record for Laura Davies, absolutely smashed 🙂
Round 15 – CANCELLED due to heavy rain
Round 16 – Best night of the season. Warm, dry, not windy. Glorious night for a fantastic 25 mile TT
Round 17 – OK, enough now, no more wind! Course record for Laura though 🙂 and an outright win 🙂
Round 18 – Probably the best night we’ve had. Warm and not much wind. Makes a change!
Round 19 – Another decent night! Slightly slower than last week but great numbers out tonight
Round 20 – Great numbers out and a great night for TT’s. Some quick times tonight
Round 21 – Another lovely evening. Slightly shortened course because of a massive hole. Last evening 10 🙁
Round 22 – Beautiful evening if a little breezy for a little 5 miler. Course record for Laura 🙂
Round 23 – Windless and a few drops of rain. That’s it, season done 🙁
Round 24 – The “Fun” 2-up TT. Warm, dry and cloudy but no wind!

Results 2022

2022 Overall League
2022 Ladies League
2022 Roadie League
2022 Senior Male League
2022 Veteran Male League
2022 Junior/Juvenile League

Round 1 – Great to be back. Cold and dull, what more could you want in March!
Round 2 – Bright in places but most dull and windy. Much warmer than last week but times not a great deal faster
Round 3 – Clouded over and a little drizzle just at the wrong time! Nice tail wind thru Gosbeck though 🙂
Round 4 – North wind doth blow! Nice cold headwind thru Gosbeck, nice
Round 5 – Bbrrrrr, chilly North wind still nagging down the Gosbeck straight. Bright and sunny though 🙂
Round 6 – Not much wind but make it warmer please!
Round 7 – CANCELLED due to road works
Round 8 – Lovely first night on the new Wherstead 10 course. Bit breezy but otherwise sunny and warm.
Round 9 – Turned out alright after rain. Wet roads but stayed dry and sunny. Course record 🙂 And the first time an IDCA event has been won outright by a female rider. An awesome ride from Becky Ridge
Round 10 – COURSE RECORD. Stunning ride from Becky again smashing last weeks record. Damp roads again but stayed dry
Round 11 – Better weather this week. Warm, dry and not so windy. Another awesome course record for Becky 🙂
Round 12 – Beautiful evening. A little breezy and a little slower but lovely.
Round 13 – Very similar conditions to last week. A lovely evening
Round 14 – Warm, sunny and windy! Didn’t affect Ross though, awesome course record 🙂
Round 15 – CANCELLED due to road works
Round 16 – Beautiful evening and a real treat to do an evening 25 to mix up the year a bit
Round 17 – Hot, hot, hot. Course record 🙂 so pretty quick night with a nice Southerly
Round 18 – Crikey, hottest day on record. Fair play to all who rode tonight in 33 degree heat
Round 19 – 33 last week, 18 this week! And a sprinkling of rain but a nice night for it. Some tractor issues I hear
Round 20 – Beautiful evening and some quick times in there despite some farm traffic. Course record 🙂 Shame I was stuck in a pub!
Round 21 – Same as last week. Pleasantly hot! Good numbers this week.
Round 22 – Tipped it down early afternoon made it a muggy night. Course record 🙂 Well done Laura
Round 23 – No idea what the weather was like cos I’m miles away but looked alright. Well done all, another season done.
Round 24 – The “Fun” 2-up TT. Lovely warm evening if a little breezy

Results 2021

2021 Overall League
2021 Ladies League
2021 Roadie League
2021 Senior Male League
2021 Veteran Male League
2021 Junior/Juvenile League

Round 1 – It’s so good to be back and feels like a proper start to the season if a little different. Amazing weather you won’t get better conditions than that in March! Both course records went 🙂
Round 2 – More than 20 degrees colder with added wind and snow! What a difference to last week. Chapeau to everyone that rode tonight
Round 3 – Beautiful sunny evening but bitterly cold and breezy.
Round 4 – A lovely spring evening. Bit less breezy than last week. Some good times tonight
Round 5 – Why is it still cold and windy! At least it was bright and dry. Some were slower some were quicker
Round 6 – CANCELLED due to hideous weather!
Round 7 – CANCELLED due to roadworks
Round 8 – Change of course due to roadworks. Henley 10 epically wet after a huge downpour in the middle of the race.
Round 9 – CANCELLED due to roadworks
Round 10 – Beautiful night and finally got to try the new course at Wherstead. It was good and fast!
Round 11 – CANCELLED due to roadworks
Round 12 – A lovely night with no road works for a change!
Round 13 – Summer has gone! Cool and breezy
Round 14 – Wet and mucky, definitely not summer! Who cares though, Cavendish won!
Round 15 – After a hideous day of weather it actually turned out alright if a tad windy! Brand new course was good
Round 16 – Still a bit breezy but a much better evening. Dry and warm
Round 17 – Some wet bits after earlier storms but warm and muggy and not as fast as you’d think!
Round 18 – Weather was being kind today. Dry and warm, but muggy and breezy after earlier rain
Round 19 – We just about missed the rain! Dampish but breezy and they seem to have removed some of the trees!
Round 20 – Summer is back and some quick times tonight and lots of riders.
Round 21 – Lovely evening, bit of cloud, not much wind
Round 22 – Final night and looked quick. Excellent ride from 13 year old Oskar Everett
Round 23 – The “fun” 2-up. Cold and grey night for the season finale. 

Results 2020

2020 Overall League
2020 Ladies League
2020 Roadie League
2020 Senior Male League
2020 Veteran Male League
2020 Junior/Juvenile League
2020 Zwift League

Test Event – Zwift test event was the BC 16.2km event
Round 1 – Zwift TT Tuesday Bologna 8km. We ain’t got hills like that in Suffolk!
Round 2 – British Cycling TT Series Yorskhire. Lumpy! Amazing 20 riders in both events.
Round 3 – Zwift TT Tuesday Bologna 8km. Same old hill. Interesting to compare times with last week
Round 4 – British Cycling TT Series Richmond. Flattest course on Zwift apparently. 20 riders again, wow!
Round 5 – Bologna less popular than BC series, can’t think why! Limited to 250 doesn’t help I guess.
Round 6 – British Cycling TT Series Tempus Fugit. What a beautiful day for a TT, shame it was indoors.
Round 7 – Much colder this week and in some ways glad we’re not at Crowfield! Bologna again.
Round 8 – British Cycling TT Series Greater London Flats. Not entirely flat. Rainy and cool but who cares when you’re indoors!
Round 9 – Growing to love that Bologna course. That hill really doesn’t get any easier!
Round 10 – British Cycling TT Series Yorkshire. Less popular today. Bumpy ole course that one
Round 11 – That ole Bologna course still doesn’t get any easier
Round 12 – British Cycling TT Series Richmond. Flattest course on Zwift apparently. Great to see so many people getting quicker.
Round 13 – Beautiful night, no wind, perfect TT weather. Damn you virus! Oh well, Bologna in a hot shed
Round 14 – Tempus Fugit and it was a bloomin hot one, especially in the shed!
Round 15 – Another glorious TT night spent indoors 🙁 but some great times in Bologna!
Round 16 – British Cycling TT Series Greater London Flats. Not quite flat but the scenery is nice 🙂
Round 17 – Another hot one. I cannot believe the weather has been so good and we can’t race 🙁
Round 18 – Much cooler today and a lumpy ole course in Yorkshire
Round 19 – Cool evening but dry and bright. Bologna again
Round 20 – Richmond flats. Weather is getting nicer again at least.
Round 21 – Hot hot hot; penultimate round in Bologna
Round 22 – Not quite as hot for the last round of Zwift races and a quick one on Tempus Fugit


Round 1 – Outside time trials are back 🙂 Weather was good, riders were good, times were good. Good to be back. Male Course Record 🙂
Round 2 – Wind was in a good direction I think. Coolish but good night. Maximum 45 riders. Female Course Record 🙂
Round 3 – Cool and bloomin windy! Not quite in the right direction but some were quick! Very close to course record
Round 4 – Hot evening but cooler in the trees. What a lovely night at Tunstall
Round 5 – Another hot and lovely night at Tunstall.
Round 6 – Penultimate round at Tunstall with a 5 mile TT
Round 7 – Last one and it was a wet one. Got away lightly I feel but still pretty damp.

Results 2019

Senior Male League 2019 
Male Vet League 2019
Ladies League 2019
Jun/Juv League 2019
Roadie League 2019
Non IDCA League 2019

Round 1 – Dark and breezy and we just missed the rain. Cold start to the season.
Round 2 – Bright but not warmer and a brutal wind for the final mile. Good numbers this week
Round 3 – I’m assuming it was bright but cool for the return to Crowfield and the start of the 10’s
Round 4 – Nice night. Little breeze and cool. Good numbers tonight.
Round 5 – Cool breeze but otherwise quite nice. Probably a little slower for most than last week
Round 6 – Got a bit dark towards the end. Hope none of the later riders got rained on!
Round 7 – Bright blue skies and a cool head wind through Gosbeck made for a sluggish night
Round 8 – A lovely night for the final Crowfield TT. Very close at the top!
Round 9 – Cool and damp meant lower numbers for the return to Battisford.
Round 10 – CANCELLED. Wet
Round 11 – Cold, dark but at least the breeze was in the right direction!
Round 12 – Wet and mucky roads  but some quick times out there for some. Chucked it down after we finished.
Round 13 – Summer! Hot and humid and a little breezy.
Round 14 – Cooler and cloudier but good wind and some quick times. A few PB’s tonight I think.
Round 15 – Cloudy, breezy and cool. Where is summer?
Round 16 – Lovely warm night but a bit breezy.  Low numbers due to clashes but hopefully everyone back next week.
Round 17 – General consensus; awful! My goodness that was hot. 35 degrees hot! with a hot wind. Did I say hot?
Round 18 – Windy but much more pleasant temperature than last week.
Round 19 – Abandoned due to rider accident. Get well soon Andy K
Round 20 – Cancelled. Chucking it down.
Round 21 – Warm and windy. Nasty little southerly for the penultimate round
Round 22 – Nice little shower before the start to keep everyone on their toes! Warm, breezy and cloudy
Round 23 – The Fun one! Great to see everyone with a partner. Windy

Results 2018

Senior Male League 2018
Male Vet League 2018
Ladies League 2018
Jun/Juv League 2018
Roadie League 2018
Non IDCA League 2018

Final league spreadsheet is here 

Round 1 – Windy and dark but at least no rain! And so it begins 🙂 Great ride from Joe Spaulding
Round 2 – Bright and sunny. Still a bit breezy but much better than last week! Good numbers this week
Round 3 – Shortened course due to road works made for an interesting detour 🙂
Round 4 – Not pleasant, not pleasant at all! Rain and wind just before the start. Chapeau marshals. Course Record for Becky Johnson!
Round 5 – Breezy but much nicer and more like May than last week! 
Round 6 – Beautiful evening. Warm and lovely.
Round 7 – Course record Becky Johnson. 4 seconds to find for Ross
Round 8 – Wind in the wrong direction for quick times and cool but bright and sunny
Round 9 – Windy again but overall a beautiful warm evening
Round 10 – Cool and breezy and it was close at the top!
Round 11 – Cold and breezy again but it didn’t seem to affect the top two!
Round 12 – Muggy and buggy and a massive course record for Ross!
Round 13 – Beautiful and hot evening but breezier than expected
Round 14 – Another lovely hot evening but still a little breezy. Henley next week and back to Wednesdays
Round 15 – Angus said it was”chewy”. Small numbers due to World Cup and SCRS
Round 16 – Cloudy but lovely and warm and less windy than expected. Farm vehicles!
Round 17 – Hot but a little breezy. Close at the top!
Round 18 – Some of those leagues are getting close! Warm and sunny here, dunno what’s it like there 🙂
Round 19 – Warm but blowy and an outstanding COURSE RECORD! Wasn’t expecting that tonight 🙂
Round 20 – Last of the tens and a warm but breezy one. A pleasure to see the legendary Chris “Hoppo” Hopkinson riding
Round 21 – Penultimate counting round and a warm night with a friendly wind. COURSE RECORD for Joe 🙂
Round 22 – Rained all day but lovely in the evening, not often that happens! COURSE RECORD again, well done Joe
Round 23 – The fun 2-up. Cool and cloudy to finish off the season.

Results 2017

Senior League 2017  Mens Vet League 2017  Ladies League 2017  Jun/Juv League 2017  Overall League 2017  Road Bike League 2017  Non IDCA League 2017

Final League spreadsheet is Here

Round 1 – Amazing 59 riders in cloudy but pleasant conditions
Round 2 – Even more amazing 60 riders! Another pleasant evening
Round 3 – Another full field of 60 riders! Bright, cold and breezy
Round 4 – Very cold and breezy but it didn’t seem to hold Lloyd back! Course record on a slow night was a very impressive ride
Round 5 – Not so cold but North East wind made it tough to the A1120 turn.
Round 6 – Male and Female course records broken! Well done Lloyd and Verity. Fed up with this cold weather though
Round 7 – Verity takes course record again! Much, much warmer and less windy at last.
Round 8 – A bit breezy but a lovely warm evening. Course record for Verity again!
Round 9 – Warm and breezy again and a move over to Battisford.
Round 10 – Cancelled due to strong winds and heavy rain all day (just like last year!)
Round 11 – A beautiful evening 🙂 Please take your litter home and don’t pester the time keepers!
Round 12 – Another warm one with a bit more breeze than last week. Didn’t affect Simon though!
Round 13 – Cancelled due to heavy rain
Round 14 – A lovely warm and still evening. Quicker for most. Both course records smashed! Please could all riders avoid riding in the middle of the road
Round 15 – Windy and freshly chipped roads made for a tough night. Sunny though.
Round 16 – Warm but horribly windy
Round 17 – Cloudy, warm and even more windy!
Round 18 – CANCELLED
Round 19 – Cancelled again due to torrential rain. Counting rounds now down to 10
Round 20 – Sunny, hooray! Still damn windy though. Didn’t affect Verity or Simon though. Amazing course record for Verity
Round 21 – Less sunny and less windy but still breezy. 5 mile Course record for Verity Smith
Round 22 – What is it about Wednesday’s! Cancelled again due to heavy rain
Round 23 – Warm, calm and no agricultural vehicles! Nice finish to the season

Results 2016

Senior League 2016  Mens Vet League 2016  Ladies League 2016  Jun/Juv League 2016  Overall League 2016  Road Bike League 2016  Non IDCA League 2016
Round 1 – Cold and breezy but then it is still March! Just missed the rain
Round 2 – Beautiful evening if a tad blowy
Round 3 – After thunder, lightning, hail and torrential rain it wasn’t too bad!
Round 4 – Glorious if slightly chilly night. Record number of 60 riders
Round 5 – Early starters had the best of it. Nice hail storm for the rest of us! That was cold, wet and windy
Round 6 – What a difference a week makes! Reminder for all riders, numbers on bums not backs. Ride on the left, riders straying over the centre of the road will be disqualified, a few were close tonight.
Round 7 – A day of rain but at least it stopped for the evening! Muggy and mucky. Course Record for Verity!
Round 8 – Verity smashes the Ladies course record! Bit of wind but best night so far
Round 9 – Cold and windy. Just what you’d expect for the end of May!
Round 10 – Cancelled due to flooding after heavy overnight storms.
Round 11 – Remarkable that I said the same last year. What a difference to last week!
Round 12 – Avoided the storms but a bit breezy and damp in places.
Round 13 – What I call a “heavy” night. Not particularly quick for no real reason
Round 14 – Cancelled due to roadworks and rain
Round 15 – Warm and nice I think
Round 16 – How on earth did we not get soaked? Course record for Verity
Round 17 – Cancelled due to fresh chippings on the course
Round 18 – Breezy and heavy night together with chippings meant times were down
Round 19 – Nice warm night but windy.
Round 20 – Last 10 and a nice night
Round 21 – Penultimate counting round. A 5 miler and issues with a combine I’m told
Round 22 – Cancelled due to road works which was a shame because it was really nice and really fast! Number of counting rounds reduced to 10.
Round 23 – Warm and pleasant conclusion to the TT series. 40 riders in the 2-up fun TT, amazing! 5 mile course record for Ollie Jones

Click ICA Times_2016 for a full results spreadsheet if you’re interested in how each round is scored and which ones were dropped

ICA Results 2015

Senior League 2015  Mens Vet League 2015  Ladies League 2015  Jun/Juv League 2015  Overall League 2015  Road Bike League 2015  Non IDCA League 2015

Round 1 – You don’t get much better opening nights than that! Cool but little wind. Record 50 riders
Round 2 – Very warm for the time of year but breezy. Another record entry of 53 riders
Round 3 – Another dry one but NNE wind in your face through Gosbeck. Quite a toughy
Round 4 – A nice strong Westerly made the finish really really nasty. Lovely evening though if a little chilly
Round 5 – Same as last week only windier! Reduced numbers but conditions were fine and safe. Deep sections were wisely kept in their wheel bags!
Round 6 – Shortened course due to road works in Framsden, Good numbers on a fine and dry evening but please can we get rid of this damn wind!
Round 7 – Not so windy. But cold…and wet…very wet just before the start but the race was actually dry and sunny
Round 8 – Best night so far. Dry and warmish and less wind. Ladies course record for Verity Smith
Round 9 – Over to Battisford and the wind is back with a vengeance!
Round 10 – Are you sure this is June? Helpful wind through Combs but flippin heck was it cold!
Round 11 – What a difference to last week. Warm and little wind. Not quite a float but almost.
Round 12 – Cooler but the sun came out as we started. Little wind but a little slower than last week
Round 13 – Bright, sunny and hot. Breeze took the edge off but some fast times.
Round 14 – Savage wind but dry and warm. Some good times out there despite the wind.
Round 15 – Wet, wet, wet. It wasn’t raining when I left home!
Round 16 – Warm, muggy and breezy. Great to see a handcycle racing
Round 17 – Cool, breezy, rain threatening, not summer! – Several very close white line infringements tonight, DQ’s will follow next week for anyone crossing any centre white lines.
Round 18 – Bit better than last week but still breezy and rain threatening. Awesome effort from the handcycle.
Round 19 – Windy, now doesn’t that make a change!
Round 20 – Great numbers for the final 10. Tough Southerly so times down a bit
Round 21 – Seriously, summer? Rain all day but cleared for the evening. Warm but wet roads and windy. Last counting round, next week a fun 2up and prize presentations.
Round 22 – “Fun” 2 Up Team time trial. Rain but stopped before the start meaning a 2 up on wet roads.
Click ICA Times_2015 for a full results spreadsheet if you’re interested in how each round is scored and which ones were dropped if you rode more than 11

ICA Results 2014

ICA League Table 2014

Round 1 Warm day then suddenly the temperature plummeted – NE wind
Round 2 Warmer than least week, SW breeze
Round 3 Event canceled due to traffic lights on course
Round 4 Rain threatening, southerly breeze
Round 5 Event canceled due to traffic lights on course
Round 6 Breezy night
Round 7 Dry night in the end, damp roads, but didn’t affect the riders times.
Round 8 Rain held off.
Round 9 Cancelled due to heavy rain
Round 10 Better weather and a fast night
Round 11 Warm & sunny
Round 12 Breezy
Round 13 Warm and breezy-rain threatening
Round 14 Cancelled
Round 15 Cancelled Flooding
Round 16 Warm and breezy
Round 17 Hot and very breezy
Round 18 Hot again
Round 19 Very humid
Round 20 Breezy and warm
Round 21 Cool and breezy
Round 22 Breezy

ICA Results 2013

ICA League Table 2013

Round 1 Still winter Brrr
Round 2 A bit brighter, but the Monkeys are still queuing, Brrr
Round 3 Weather getting warmer but breezy.
Round 4 Warmish and breezy
Round 5 Brrr, Bright but a stiff, cold N/Easterly chilled the largest field so far
Round 6 Warm & a good night for once- shame about the short course due to road works:- 9.7miles
Round 7 So much for summer-Wet and very windy
Round 8 Breezy NNW and cool, but sunny
Round 9 Stowmarket- Wet
Round 10 Windy again- headwind past Gardeners Arms.
Round 11 Breezy again- Short course due to Traffic Lights
Round 12 Warm and still- float night YES!
Round 13 A slight northerly breeze
Round 14 Last Stow’ event for this year
Round 15 Getting warmer
Round 16 Hot and virtually a still night
Round 17 Hot and sticky-no ‘air’
Round 18 Roadworks meant a five mile race. Hot & windy
Round 19 Another breezy ride, bit cooler
Round 20 Breezy with harvest dust
Round 21 Breezy and dusty again-very warm
Round 22 Warm with  light wind

ICA Results 2012

ICA League Table 2012

Round 1 A dark evening- front & rear lights next week please
Round 2 Cancelled due to roadworks on the course
Round 3 First of the 10 mile TT’s
Round 4 Better weather and more riders
Round 5 A rare – thing a ‘Float’ night (no wind). Brought the riders out
Round 6 Dry roads! slight southerly breeze- a pleasant evening
Round 7 Cold and very windy-(which wasn’t any help at all)
Round 8 Hot! Summer at last?
Round 9 A rare calm evening at Crowfield
Round 10 Wet and very windy
Round 11 Normal service at Crowfield – cold and windy
Round 12 Warmest night so far
Round 13 Largest field of the year
Round 14 Last of the Crowfield events for this year
Round 15 Back to Henley, windy with rain threatening
Round 16 Ditto from last week
Round 17 Hot with a slight NW breeze
Round 18 back to a SW wind and threat of rain
Round 19 Warmest night so far
Round 20 Very windy and warm-Last ’10’ of the season
Round 21 Windy again
Round 22 Ditto, plus rain for warming up. Oh! what a lovely summer.

ICA Results 2011

ICA League Table 2011

Round 1    It must be Wednesday- it’s raining
Round 2    Breezy but fine and WARM
Round 3    Back to normal – Brrr
Round 4    Warm again
Round 5    Cold with a strong NE wind
Round 6    Best night so far
Round 7    An even better night
Round 8    Cool, windy and wet just before the start
Round 9    Crowfield- with a dropping wind leading to a fast night
Round 10   Rain interrupted race
Round 11    Another win for Chris
Round 12    A unhelpful SW breeze knocked times
Round 13    Very strong SW wind- hard work to the flag and from the start
Round 14    Cancelled due to storms
Round 15    Back to a very windy Henley
Round 16    Chris still on top form
Round 17    Cancelled due to road works
Round 18    Its windy- must be ICA night
Round 19    Hot and breezy
Round 20    Westerly gale force wind, but warm and dry
Round 21    Ideal conditions apart from tractors
Round 22    Breezy, tail wind finish and Simon didn’t puncture
ICA Results 2010

ICA League Table 2010

Round 1 Event the penguins were shivering -Brrrrrrrr
Round 2 It’s wet & windy and cold- must be Wednesday
Round 3 10 miles-who likes the extra miles, still cold but sunny
Round 4 Brrr- could have done with some volcanic heat
Round 5 Warm at last
Round 6 Chilly again
Round 7 When is it going to warm up again
Round 8 Getting warmer again
Round 9 Change of course
Round 10 Back to warm weather
Round 11 NW breeze not a lot of help
Round 12 Breezy night
Round 13 Ahh! Summer-Hot and sticky
Round 14 Final event at Crowfield
Round 15 Back to Henley
Round 16 The wind is back
Round 17 The rain stopped just in time
Round 18 Windy as usual
Round 19 Wet under wheel, but a dry ride
Round 20 Cancelled to road closure
Round 21 Sprint time- 5 miles
ICA Results 2009

ICA League Table 2009

Round 1 Breezy but warm
Round 2 Not quite so breezy, but much cooler
Round 3 Cancelled due to road works
Round 4 Another windy night, but warmer
Round 5 Cancelled again, but due to the weather this time
Round 6 A warm night at last and the course record falls again COURSE RECORD
Round 7 A windy evening, which seemed to effect everyone except Lee!
Round 8 Breezy again and cool, even Lee was slower
Round 9 The wind dropped on a damp night- Well done Hugo!
Round 10 Are we going to get a good night this year? Very windy
Round 11 ANOTHER windy night
Round 12 Summer is here (at last)
Round 13 Lights winds greeted us at Henley
Round 14 Yet AGAIN a very windy night
Round 15 Windy (yet again) and wet to add to it- where has the summer gone?
Round 16 Windy- Must be Wednesday-just missed the rain though
Round 17 The best night so far at Henley, Still breezy though.
Round 18 The rain eased and the wind got up- Must be Wednesday!
ICA Results 2008

ICA League Table 2008

Round 1 Here we go again, and an almost perfect night to start COURSE RECORD
Round 2 Bit cooler and slower than last week
Round 3 A ‘Float’ night- rarer than hens teeth, and another COURSE RECORD
Round 4 Numbers down this week Much cooler
Round 5 Another float night -summer is here
Round 6 A cool N/E wind knocked the times back
Round 7 Very cool night at Crowfield and a small field reflected it
Round 8 Cool and VERY windy- small field again
Round 9 A STILL night and warm- can’t be right
Round 10 A slight northlery made the hills hard work
Round 11 Short course due to resurfacing-windy night with rain threatening
Round 12 Another windy night, but at least it was warmer
Round 13 NO WIND for once, but slightly damp- a fast night COURSE RECORD
Round 14 Cancelled due to heavy rain
Round 15 Breezy night, but dry
Round 16 Hot and sticky
Round 17 Very warm and another COURSE RECORD
Round 18 Warm and sticky with a southerly breeze.
ICA Results 2007

ICA League Table 2007

Round 1    Must be one of the warmest starts we have had
Round 2    Tail breeze down Battisford Straight- a better night
Round 3    Warm with no wind ahh Summer!
Round 4    Spoke too soon. Cool and very breezy with a stiff NE Brrr!
Round 5    Cancelled due to flooding on the circuit
Round 6    Damp and breezy- a wet westerly
Round 7    Moved over to Crowfield- Warm with a slight southerly
Round 8    Wet and breezy southerly, though we all had a dry ride
Round 9    Cool and over cast with a SW wind
Round 10    Fast and warm- best night so far
Round 11    Cancelled due to recent chipping of road surface
Round 12    The new surface put back times and the weather didn’t help either, wet & windy
Round 13    Some how we dodged the storms and floods
Round 14    Cool & breezy, but NO RAIN at last
Round 15    Warm and humid, with a dropping breeze- so fast times
Round 16    Wet & windy sums it up
Round 17    Summer’s back – Lee gets course record
Round 18     The final event and a fast but cool night- NE breeze

ICA Results 2006

ICA League Table 2006

Round 1    Cancelled due to road works
Round 2    Reduced numbers to last year
Round 3    Good to see some new riders throughout the categories
Round 4    Spring is here at last
Round 5    A warm night brings the riders out
Round 6    A very wet night so only the hard riders braved it
Round 7    A change of course and a few climbs affect the times
Round 8     Cool night but a good field
Round 9    The sun brought out the riders- Good size field
Round 10   A Cool night and reduced numbers
Round 11    Very breezy night, but warm
Round 12    Good weather but low numbers
Round 13    The League moves to a new HQ- Henley Community Centre
Round 14    Summer brings the riders out
Round 15    The heat…….hottest day of the year and the smallest field
Round 16    HOT!
Round 17    No result received- wet night
Round 18    One of the largest fields of the season
2005 Results

2005 Final Table

Round 1     Combs Gardeners Arms A cool evening with a SSW breeze
Round 2    A very dull night with an over subscribed field, slight NW breeze which helped through Combs
Round 3    Cold & bright but a stiff southerly strained the legs through Combs
Round 4    Cancelled due to Traffic Lights on the course (much to the relief to some- freezing cold!)
Round 5    When is it going to warm up- at least it was sunny and faster
Round 6    Cold & windy again
Round 7    Hey! summer is here 🙂 and a fast night (for some)
Round 8    Spoke too soon 🙁  a wet & cool night- only for the dedicated (and mad!)
Round 9    Good weather brought out a large field- (and a gridlocked Ipswich due to the R/Works on the Orwell Bridge)
Round 10    Breezy warm and dry- many new riders to the league
Round 11    Largest field of the year
Round 12    Summer! Hailstones, floods, needless to say we cancelled-Event to be run as an extra at Henley
Round 13    Breezy, but little help.
Round 14    Summer is here again- warm and light winds
Round 15    Very breezy and a problem with harvest vehicles
Round 16    Damp with an unhelpful SE wind
Round 17    High numbers again- good to see
Round 18    The final one

2004 Results

2004 Final Table

Round 1        Combs Tannery, A bright evening but a cool South Easterly breeze.
Round 2        Combs Tannery, A wet & windy, though warm night, still produced fast times.
Round 3        Combs Tannery, the wind had changed direction to a cold northerly
Round 4        Combs Tannery, a stormy evening, so not well attended
Round 5        Combs Tannery, N/W breeze slowed the descent to the Tannery
but a tail wind up towards Battisford was very welcome

Round 6        Combs Tanner, Warm at last and almost a ‘float’ night very fast times
Round 7        Crowfield, a cool night again but the ladies course record fell to Julia Shaw
Round 8        Crowfield, small field, but Dave James is a minute clear of Phil Hetzel
Round 9        Crowfield, A warm humid night with a SW breeze helped achieve some fast times
Round 10      Crowfield, A very humid but breezy night saw Phil back to winning ways
Round 11       Crowfield, Cancelled due to high winds- risk to riders safety
Round 12       Crowfield, Vet, Jim Morris takes the laurels
Round 13       Cancelled due to storms
Round 14       Warm and muggy night but some fast times helped by the S/W wind
Round 15       A fast warm night
Round 16       Humid and warm- Phil Hetzel takes the league
Round 17       Hot & humid, still plenty of places to race for
Round 18       Still a lot of positions to be resolved
Round 13       Replacement even 5 miles. The Senior League bronze is a tie
and a last race winner in the Ladies League

2003 Final League Table

2002 Final League Table

2001 Final League Table

2000 Final League Table

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